
If you want to get the most from your hard earned dollar, you really need to use coupons!  Most of us have used a coupon here and there, and we have all heard about the ‘extreme’ couponers who save hundreds of dollars by using coupons and buying large quantities of stuff.  Don’t worry, I am not saying you need to be one of the extremes, but coupons are a GREAT way to save money on things you already need and use, and if you are not actively using coupons, at least a little, you are spending too much money.

I am not going to start explaining the different types of coupons here (you can read what it says on the coupon), but rather talk about the importance of coupons, why you should “clip” and some thoughts and observations on using them. I have discovered that the main reason people are hesitant to use coupons is simply that they don’t really consider the money that they are losing (i.e. not saving) on everyday items.

A quick note of caution when you start using coupons – if you buy something you don’t need just because you have a coupon, you didn’t save money but wasted it.  Remember, it is never a ‘good deal’ if you spend money on something you do not need.

Get Coupons – Useful coupons are not going to just drop in your lap.  You have to make an effort to get them.  Fortunately, it is easier now than ever as companies like provide them online ans as stores continue to embrace couponers.  There are sites where you can order coupons and the good ole newspaper and store flyers still produce good coupons.

Do it – Seriously, sometimes it is just a matter of getting off our lazy bums and making a point to actively use coupons. Like most things, at first it seems like a bother, something else to remember to grab, to look for, and organize.  But the truth is that once you get into a habit, it gets easier and easier.     

Don’t be Shy – There is a stigma that used to be associated with ‘couponers’ that still causes many people to avoid using coupons, or limits them to only occasionally using coupons.  Please notice that I said “used to” be associated with using coupons, as “times they are a-changin.”  Now stores are advertising that they are coupon friendly, and are competitively trying to get you into their store by honoring other stores coupons.  As a matter of fact, a recent statistic shows that

Be Organized – Organization of your coupons is vital to being a successful couponer.  There are many systems that are used, but the key is being able to sort by expiration date, category, manufacturer, and store.  Choose a system that works for you, the common systems are binders, folders, and envelopes.  Once you find a system that works, USE IT!

Timing – If you can time the use of a coupon to go with a sale or be able to stack it with another coupon, you can maximize your savings.  This does require organization and planning but it gets easier with practice.   There are many websites and forums that help you spot when sales and coupons match up.

Connect with Others – It takes a community to keep track of who has good coupons, what sales match up with the coupons, and finding out what is a good deal and what is not.  Don’t think of it as a competition, think about it as teamwork, when people work together, everyone wins.  Look around on forums, websites, Facebook, etc for people in your area using your stores and get involved.  It will pay off!

The really big thing that I wanted you to get out of this discussion was how important it is that you make coupons part of your normal life, at least at some level.   You work hard for your dollar, and coupons will help you maximize it.