Saving Money

A penny saved is a penny earned-Benjamin Franklin

As a nation, we really don’t have an income problem, we have a spending problem!  We spend our money literally faster than we earn it (rising credit card debt anyone?)  I strongly believe that most of our financial problems can be resolved if we can get our spending under control. You don’t believe me?  Did you know that as income rises, many people increase their spending as well so that they remain in financial crisis despite the increase income. We have lost the joy of saving money that older generations had and we now have a love for getting what we want NOW rather waiting, saving, and buying it when we can actually afford it.  Let me ask a question, why are we so quick to spend our hard-earned money?  You would think that after working so hard to make a dollar, we would work just as hard to get the most out of it.  Truthfully, Benjamin Franklin was right when he said “a penny saved is a penny earned.”  If you can get twice as much for a dollar, it is the equivalent of earning an extra dollar (actually more than a dollar since it would be tax free).

So what is the easiest way to save money? Very simple, don’t spend it! No, I am not trying to funny, I am actually being serious.  The best way to save money is to not spend it.  What? You don’t believe me? Ok, the next time you are about to spend money, stop and ask yourself a few questions.

  1. Why are you spending money?
  2. Do you really have to spend the money or can it wait?
  3. Is what I am buying a need or a want?

You will notice that you spend less money and the result is extra dollar bills in the wallet. You’re welcome.

A great little book that I recommend in regards to spending is “Way to Wealth” by Benjamin Franklin.  It is easy to read, a little humorous, and the truthfulness in the book might slap you across the face like it did me.

So here are some of the topics that we are going to cover in the Saving Money Section.

  • Energy Saving Tips – One of the larger expenses that we have is our energy bill.  I have accumulated some tips and general rules that will help tame the beast
  • Gas Saving Tips – Most of us have vehicles which means that we have to face the raising fuel costs
  • Garage Sales – Why pay the store price, when you can get buy useful items you need (and maybe want) at garage sales for really cheap?
  • Coupons – If you want to get more bang for your dollar, you really need to start using coupons.

More topics to come as soon as they are completed.  Stay tuned!