About Us

Our mission statement is simple:  Provide practical information and resources to give people a useful understanding of how to manage their money.

Here at Dominate Your Money, I have a simple belief that you should be in control of your money.  This site was created to give you a place where you can come and get information in a fun, practical format so you can start controlling your controlling your money rather than feeling intimidated by fancy talk and expensive suits.

It has been my experience that the reason most people struggle with money is lack of practical knowledge.  There is a gulf between the common working man, like you and me, and the “experts”.  Most people don’t have the knowledge to understand and use what the experts tell them.  Worse, many times the experts only want to deal with those that have heavy wallets.  As a disclaimer, I am NOT a certified financial adviser, just someone that has a passion for studying and understanding money. 

Please feel free to contact us regarding any suggestions that you might have for us.  We are ALWAYS looking for ways to improve!